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Al moments before the arrival of the parties

  • Provinsi: Kalimantan Barat
  • Negara: Azerbaijan
  • Listed: 02/03/2013 07:54
  • Expires: This ad has expired


Local time days afternoon, Nigeria DANA Airlines carrying passengers of the aircraft in the Neenan part of the largest neighbourhood crashed near the city of Lagos.Nepal national civil aviation authority confirmed, all people on board were killed, including passengers and crew members.Nigeria coach outlet aviation ministry Stella middot Odua had rushed to the scene of the accident.British “Daily Telegraph” reports, the plane crash coach outlet hours before departure from Nigeria capital Abuja, ready in Lagos for Moore Tara middot Mohamed airport landing crash.There are reports that, in the landing aircraft ready to enter the runway when touch the high-voltage wire.Also the message says, plane crash crashed into a furniture store, and finally into the nearby residential area.Aircraft not head drop, but the abdomen to the.The crash of flight models for the United States of America Boeing’s Long Beach Branch of production of DC- aircraft, the company was formerly located in the United States of America California Douglas aircraft company.Witnesses say the plane landing, Lagos, local weather, visibility was good.reporter Yan Miao The Greek general election into a political deadlock, on exit from the euro concerns more and more intense, also caused financial markets reacted strongly.Look from current condition, Greece faces a lot of difficult problem really, but not immediately to an exit from the euro, the parties also have room for maneuver.Greece debt crisis, on the exit from the http://gufays.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1210763&extra= euro discussion has already, but not so intense current.While .

The Greek problem causes coach handbags outlet so strong concern, is an important cause of European leaders no longer avoid this topic.The euro has been regarded as coach outlet store the greatest achievement of European integration, Europe is a symbol of unity, at the government level to discuss past Euro breakup in Europe is contraindicated, because it can interfere with European unity.But now, including Greece, European leaders are openly discussed the possibility of a Greek exit from, and coach outlet store the consequence that causes from this, this inevitably caused concern from all walks of life.Talking about the Greek withdrawal does not mean that this will become a reality, we need to analyze European leaders for what purpose.Current, European interior is complex, subtle game.Greece in more than two years of austerity, the debt crisis is not only alleviate the economic recession, but, on tightening is inconsistent, want the euro zone to relax the conditions for assistance.While eurozone countries such as Germany that Greek reform and tightening is not in place, now relax require assistance may be triggered by ldquo moral risk, the Germans to fill the pit rdquo .Despite the obvious differences, but there is a consensus, that is when the exit from the euro, will appear ldquo Domino effect, resulting in European economic disaster, be unbearable to contemplate the consequences.The euro zone and Greece in the use of the ldquo consensus to exert pressure.Discussion of the possibility of a Greek exit from the eurozone is intended to deter Greek, Greek hope regardless of the next .

Election result how, should continue to perform the commitment to reform, so for the euro zone’s aid Greece in the use of their exit may trigger disasters which threaten the euro zone, hope the coach outlet store euro zone to avoid ldquo rdquo, relax cause destruction to both sides Greece’s austerity requirements.At present, the euro-zone countries indeed for a Greek exit from the preparation, but not going to play the Greek the euro zone, once the euro zone is ready, have the ability to withstand a Greek exit from the eurozone, the Greek threat will be ineffective, negotiations balance will be to the euro area tilt, Greece in the hands of unlicensed the case can only accept the conditions of reform.Step back, even going to let a Greek exit from the eurozone, also won’t allow disordered exit , before the European countries must be prepared, for example to recapitalise banks, increased firepower measures such as firewall, to reduce a Greek exit from the eurozone may give risk, and these far did not reach the designated position, the euro zone is not possible at the risk of such cases to a Greek exit from.From the European way of behavior to look, on the coach outlet big issues, European countries are needed by the intense negotiations to reach a compromise, game, the process is very hard, each country wants to fight for their own interests, and are often at the last moment before reaching agreement, this kind of situation in Europe it is often seen. For example, in the EU budget negotiations problem on major treaty negotiations, problems are, in the fin .

Al moments before the arrival of the parties are not easily.The current also is such, Greek Orthodox and the euro-zone countries to the game, but the Greek coach factory in the June th general election, the election result is not known, is expected after the election the party around a Greek even tough negotiations, these things take time, last time yet to come .

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