Ecuador and other countries explicitly
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external communications activities. Monitoring information, including “All the e-mail, text messaging, phone calls, and social networking activities.” This report further explains that external security bureau communications metadata is collected, that is making calls and sending e-mail of the time and place, rather than the content of calls and messages. In this regard, monitoring activities in France and the United States, “Prism” item vary. According to “China Daily” Modern Express (microblogging)Data Figure: U.S. “Prism” Monitoring Project Secret person Edward Snowden.BEIJING, July 6 (Xinhua) comprehensive report, the United States, “Prism” Monitoring Project Secret Edward Snowden people now to 27 countries for asylum. Most European nike free 3.0 v2 sale
countries and Brazil, India, Ecuador and other countries explicitly rejected the application of Snowdon, Bolivia and Nicaragua intends to provide shelter, Cuba is not made clear. Currently, only Venezuelan President Maduro publicly announced decision to grant asylum Snowdon.Currently Snowdon has made to 27 countries for asylum. WikiLeaks said in a statement released on the 2nd, Snowdon to 21 countries for asylum. The site is on the 5th, said Snowden further five countries applying for asylum. But the site says, for fear of the United States “stymied”, the current will not announce the list of these six countries.WikiLeaks previously announced
list of 21 asylum countries are: Russia, China, India, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Spain , Switzerland and Venezuela.Upon receipt of Snowdon asylum countries, France, Germany, Norway, Austria, Poland, Finland, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain and other European countries, as well as India, Ecuador and Brazil and other countries explicitly rejected the asylum application Snowdon .French Interior Minister on the 4th announcement, announced its refusal to Snowdon requirements for asylum in France. This notice explanation is given: legal considerations and in view of the situation of Snowdon, the French did not agree to its request.Notice that, like many other countries, like France, through its embassy in Moscow received nike free 3.0 v2 mens a Snowden requirement to France for asylum. Legal considerations and in view of the situation of Snowdon, the French did not agree to this request.4, said Italian Foreign Minister Bonino, the Italian legal provisions apply for political asylum must submit an application by an individual person, so the State is unable to provide political asylum Snowdon.Austria, Ecuador, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Switzerland, said Snowden needs in the country applying for asylum.Brazilian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the Brazilian government will not approve Snowdon application for asylum, and that asylum applications will not respond.Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman on social networks said that after careful
consideration, the Indian government will not accept Snowdon application for asylum.Snowden had been considered the best places of refuge in Ecuador’s position began to change. Ecuadorian President Correa 2, said to help Snowdon would be “wrong choice” will not consider applications for Snowdon.Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua and other Latin American countries have not explicitly rejected the application of Snowdon. Bolivian President Evo Morales said Snowden application for asylum has not yet received, but if received, Bolivia will be considered.Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said on the 5th, the government intends to grant political asylum Snowdon.Cuban Foreign Ministry said in a statement on the 3rd of Snowdon event expressed concern, but did not mention whether to consider their asylum free 3.0 v4 sale Currently publicly announced that Venezuela will give political asylum Snowdon. Venezuelan President Maduro said on Tuesday, decided to give the United States “Prism” by Snowden Secret surveillance project to provide “humanitarian asylum.” Maduro said that as the Venezuelan head of state, he has decided to give the young Snowdon humanitarian asylum.Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on the 4th, said Russian Foreign Ministry has not received any formal submission of Snowdon political asylum, claiming Snowdon should go to other countries to seek asylum. Earlier,