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Chapter 5Ursa Minor Beta is, some say, one of the most appalling places in the known Universe.Although it is excruciatingly rich, horrifyingly sunny and more full of wonderfully exciting people than a pomegranate is of pips, it can hardly be insignificant that when a recent edition of Playbeing magazine headlined an article with the words “When you are tired of Ursa Minor Beta you are tired of life”, the suicide rate quadrupled overnight.Not that there are any nights on Ursa Minor Beta.It is a West Zone planet which by an inexplicable and somewhat suspicious freak of topography consists almost entirely of fendi handbags sub-tropical coastline. By an equally suspicious freak of temporal relastatics, it is nearly always Saturday afternoon just before the beach bars close.No adequate explanation for this has been forthcoming from the dominant lifeforms on Ursa Minor Beta, who spend most of their time attempting to achieve spiritual enlightenment by running round swimming pools, and inviting Investigation Officials form the Galactic Geo-Temporal Control Board to “have a nice diurnal anomaly”.There is only one city on Ursa Minor Beta, and that is only called a city because the swimming pools are slightly thicker on the ground there than elsewhere.
“Where?”"That noise. That stomping throb. Pounding feet. Listen!”Arthur listened. The noise echoed round the corridor at them from an indeterminate distance. It was the muffled www.guccitaschens.de sound of pounding footsteps, and it was noticeably louder.”Let’s move,” said Ford sharply. They both moved – in opposite directions.”Not that way,” said Ford, “that’s where they’re coming from.”"No it’s not,” said Arthur, “They’re coming from that way.”"They’re not, they’re…”They both stopped. They both turned. They both listened intently. They both agreed with each other. They both set off into opposite directions again.Fear gripped them.From both directions the noise was getting louder.A few yards to their left another gucci outlet corridor ran at right angles to the inner wall. They ran to it and hurried along it. It was dark, immensely long and, as they passed down it, gave them the impression that it was getting colder and colder. Other corridors gave off it to the left and right, each very dark and each subjecting them to sharp blasts of icy air as they passed.They stopped for a moment in alarm. The further down the corridor they went, the louder became the sound of pounding feet.They pressed themselves back against the cold wall and listened furiously. The cold, the dark and the drumming of disembodied feet was getting to them badly. Ford shivered, partly with the cold, but partly with the memory of stories his favourite mother used to tell him when he was a mere slip of a Betelgeusian, ankle high to an Arcturan Megagrasshopper: stories of dead ships, haunted hulks that roamed restlessly round the obscurer regions of deep space infested with demons or prada handtaschen the ghosts of forgotten crews; stories too of incautious travellers who found and entered such ships; stories of… – then Ford remembered the brown hessian wall weave in the first corridor and pulled himself together. However ghosts and demons may choose to decorate their death hulks, he thought to himself, he would lay any money you liked it wasn’t with hessian wall weave. He grasped Arthur by the arm.
“Did you say metal?”"Yes, sir. I said that I am not personally acquainted with the metal gentleman in question…”"OK, carry on.”"But I am informed that he has been awaiting your return for a considerable number of millennia. It seems you left here somewhat precipitately.”"Left here?” said Zaphod, “are you being strange? We only www.thenorthfaceoutlett-jackets.com just arrived here.”"Indeed, sir,” persisted the waiter doggedly, “but before you arrived here, sir, I understand that you left here.”Zaphod tried this in one brain, then in the other.”You’re saying,” he said, “that before we arrived here, we left here?”This is going to be a long night, thought the waiter.”Precisely, sir,” he said.”Put your analyst on danger money, baby,” advised Zaphod.”No, wait a minute,” said Ford, emerging above table level again, “where exactly is here?”"To be absolutely exact sir, it is Frogstar World B.”"But we just left there,” protested Zaphod, “we left there and came to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.”"Yes, sir,” said the waiter, feeling that he was now into the home stretch and running well, “the prada schuhe outlet one was constructed on the ruins of the other.”"Oh,” said Arthur brightly, “you mean we’ve travelled in time but not in space.”"Listen you semi-evolved simian,” cut in Zaphod, “go climb a tree will you?”Arthur bristled.
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