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silly, and I wish I had a brother just like him, yes, I do!” And Maud showed signs of woe, for her disappointment about going was very great. “Bless my boots! what’s the chicken ruffling up her little feathers and pecking at me for? Is that the way Polly soothes the best of brothers?” said Tom, still laughing. “Oh, I forgot! there, I won’t peuterey jacken cry; but I do want to go,” and Maud swallowed her tears, and began to stroke again. Now Tom’s horse and sleigh were in the stable, for he meant to drive out to College that evening, but he did n’t take Maud’s hint. It was less trouble to lie still, and say in a conciliatory tone, “Tell me some more about this good boy, it ‘s very interesting. “No, I shan’t, but I ‘ll tell about Puttel’s playing on the piano,” said Maud, anxious to efface the memory of her momentary weakness. “Polly points to the right key with a little stick, and louis vuitton online shop Puttel sits on the stool and pats each key as it ‘s touched, and it makes a tune. It ‘s so funny to see her, and Nick perches on the rack and sings as if he ‘d kill himself.” “Very thrilling,”
could be desired. “What queer gloves you wore then,” interrupted Fanny, who had been trying on the much-honored glove, and finding it a tight fit. “Much better and cheaper than we have now,” returned grandma, ready to defend “the good old times” against every insinuation. “You are an extravagant set now-a-days, and I really don’t know what you are coming to. gucci taschen By the way, I ‘ve got somewhere two letters written by two young ladies, one in 1517, and the other in 1868. The contrast between the two will amuse you, I think.” After a little search, grandma produced an old portfolio, and selecting the papers, read the following letter, written by Anne Boleyn before her marriage to Henry VIII, and now in the possession of louis vuitton outlet online a celebrated antiquarian: DEAR MARY, I have been in town almost a month, yet I cannot say I have found anything in London extremely agreeable. We rise so late in the morning, seldom before six o’clock, and sit up so late at night, being scarcely in bed before ten, that I am quite sick of it; and was it not for the abundance of fine things
who can’t push their way, and so get put aside and forgotten. She has tried all sorts of poorly paid work, could n’t live on it decently, got discouraged, sick, frightened, and could see no refuge from the big, bad world but to get out of it while she was n’t afraid to die. A very old story, my dear, new and dreadful as it seems to you, and I think it won’t do you any harm to see Coach Factory and help this little girl, who has gone through dark places that you are never like to know.” “I will; indeed, I will do all I can! Where is she now?” asked Polly, touched to the heart by the story, so simple yet so sad. “There,” and Miss Mills pointed to the door of her own little bedroom. “She was well enough to be moved to-night, so I brought her home and laid her safely in my bed. Poor little soul! she looked about her for a minute, then the lost look went away, and she gave a great sigh, and took my prada outlet hand in both her thin bits of ones, and said, ‘O, ma’am, I feel as if I ‘d been born into a new world. Help me to begin again, and I ‘ll do better.’ So I told her she was my child now, and might rest here, sure of a home as long as I had one.” As Miss Mills spoke in her motherly tone, and cast a proud and happy look toward the
and with a very earnest prayer, Polly asked for the strength of an upright soul, the beauty of a tender heart, the power to make her life a sweet and coach outlet online store stirring song, helpful while it lasted, remembered when it died. Little Jane’s last thought had been to wish with all her might, that “God would bless the dear, kind girl up there, and give her all she asked.” I think both prayers, although too humble to be put in words, went up together, for in the fulness of time they were beautifully answered. POLLY’S happiest day was Sunday, for Will never failed to spend it with her. Instead of sleeping later than usual that morning, she was always up bright and early, flying round to get ready for her guest, for Will came burberry online shop to breakfast, and they made a long day of it. Will considered his sister the best and prettiest girl going, and Polly, knowing well that a time would come when he would find a better and a prettier, was grateful for his good opinion, and tried to deserve it. So she made her room and herself as neat and inviting as possible, and always ran to meet him
bear these small crosses, by showing them the heavier ones they have escaped, and by giving them an idea of the higher pleasures one may earn in the good, old-fashioned ways that keep hearts sweet, heads sane, gucci outlet online hands busy. Everybody has their days of misfortune like little Rosamond, and Polly was beginning to think she had more than her share. One of these ended in a way which influenced her whole life, and so we will record it. It began early; for the hard-hearted little grate would n’t behave itself till she had used up a ruinous quantity of kindlings. Then she scalded poor Puttel by upsetting her coffee-pot; and instead of a leisurely, cosy meal, had to hurry away uncomfortably, for everything went wrong even to the coming off of both bonnet strings in the last dreadful scramble. Being late, Michael Kors Outlet Store she of course forgot her music, and hurrying back for it, fell into a puddle, which capped the climax of her despair. Such a trying morning as that was! Polly felt out of tune herself, and all the pianos seemed to need a tuner as much as she did. The pupils were
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