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moist air coupled with continued high

  • Provinsi: Jawa Tengah
  • Negara: Afghanistan
  • Listed: 02/08/2013 10:10
  • Expires: This ad has expired


 beans will happen after acute hemolytic anemia, which is commonly known as “bean yellow disease”, should be sent to hospital for treatment as soon as possible.Great Heat when the “ambush” before and after, is the warmest time of year. Hot weather, moisture, coupled with the breeding of mosquitoes, this time heart qi easy depletion, lower body resistance, the body is easy to accumulate six kinds of poison. If not removed, easy to wear down the body and cause disease.Great Heat regimen first row – caused by damp????Summer season, moist air coupled with continued high temperatures, people almost every day in the “sauna”, this season the most important thing is caused by damp row.????Moisture through the spleen. Heavy moisture tied up the spleen, called “spleen”, there will be dizziness, heavy limbs, nike air max 2013 buy online
nausea, poor appetite, stool shapeless, epigastric flatulence, greasy tongue coating.????Expert advice: Aromatic able Xingpi. Mint and ginger salad, put a little dot pepper, can stimulate the stomach. Stomach “sober” Come to dampness.????Specifically, nausea Yu Tu who drink Huoxiangzhengqi water, eat SHENLINGBAISHU pills. Tongue tired in the morning by the stomach is too large, indicating that the body of water did not break out, often the spleen, the spleen is not health movement performance, to eat yam barley or winter melon soup mountain ones.Poisoning caused by toxic

sub-humid and cold caused by damp.????Spleen who have mouth pain, bad breath, greasy yellow tongue coating, urine less than normal, uncomfortable stool and other symptoms. Dampness heat, barley porridge to eat green beans, watermelon gourd soup, salad or bitter gourd soup, a serious cook dandelion green beans drink.????Cold and damp toxin common in winter, but few people will have a long summer, usually cold physical person, or because Tanliang eat cold food, long open air, the body will gather cold damp toxin, manifested as loose stool, loss of appetite poor, greasy tongue coating, etc., can be used ginger cold dampness.Great Heat regimen row – summer poison????Hot weather, plus air conditioning, causing sweat can not get out, put poison summer off in the body. People who work outdoors, time in the sun, there will be dizziness, headache, flushing, nausea and other nike air max 90 cheap
symptoms of heat stroke, then the patient should be moved to the shade to cool the body, eating food Qingshu dampness, such as watermelon, green bean soup.????Expert advice: usual care can drink green bean barley soup.Great Heat regimen row – stomach poison????Long summer corresponding organs are spleen, stomach poison row is also very important. Originally anger overweight people, if drink coffee, eat chocolate and other hot foods, prone to stomach, manifested as bad breath, smelly stool,

constipation.????Expert advice: Cassia 10 grams, or 3 to 6 grams of rhubarb behalf of the tea. Stomach through “duty time” 7 to 9:00 in the morning, after breakfast can use hawthorn, tangerine peel, barley soaked in water to drink, helps digestion dampness, but also massage Zusanli (outside knee now three inches), Fenglong (located on the tip of the lateral malleolus eight inches) two points.Great Heat regimen row – Khan poison????This is the season of summer sweat, may be due to the widespread use of air conditioning, perspiration poor, it will accumulate sweat poison. Khan toxic heavy manifested as dizziness, weakness, whole body uncomfortable.????Expert advice: brush with hot towels, a bath with hot water, drink ginger, brown sugar soup can also help detoxification.Great Heat regimen row – blood poisoning????Variety of cold drinks hot summer, many of these foods contain nike air max 1 em uk
a variety of additives. Additives accumulate in the human body, there will be poor appetite, dizziness, and other symptoms dozing.????Expert advice: Eat more green tea, green beans, ginger helps detoxify the body heat of people eat green tea, green beans, cold body of the people eat tea, ginger.Great Heat regimen row – insect poison????Parasites breed long summer season, these insects will not only compete for nutrients and the human body, but also to the human body discharge toxins. Once pale

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