possibility of occurrence of loss of real opponent
- Alamat: possibility of occurrence of loss of real opponent
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- Negara: Bangladesh
- Listed: 23/05/2013 13:15
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as the United Nations forces after Fang Zhuji, a total charge COFCO official.Re-enabled Japan is very excited about the Korean War as a great opportunity for a comeback, spare no effort to give great fit and strong support of the United Nations forces. Services are provided more than two thousand United States Armed Forces logistics support base in the territory of Japan, the Japanese figure.British media has publicly disclosed during the Korean War, about 25,000 Japanese war, found the bodies of Japanese soldiers in multiple battlefield.The things two camps in the world war confront each other, is also a good opportunity for a
comeback of Japan. “World War III,” said loud and clear. After World War II, the world’s only two superpowers – t nike air max skyline cheaphe United States and the Soviet Union. Two “superpowers” are “nuclear power”. If these two countries see the large-scale war, then the added value of Japan will increase.However, the final result is localized Korean War, not only did not evolve into “Third World War” and even linked China and the Korean Peninsula is also not involved in local community.Why is this In a nutshell, because the Soviet Union and the United States do not want large-scale war.The Korean War, about whether to give up the war to the Chinese mainland, the U.S. admiral, Korea CINCUNC MacArthur and President Truman had serious differences with the heated argument. MacArthur insisted that Red China and North Korea with the Office of the
but strongly disagreed Truman.In May 1951 the U.S. military situation in the Far East a hearing to discuss the war, MacArthur’s proposal to expand to China when Truman holding the same idea with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Bradley:”In the current circumstances, we oppose expanded to Red China to the Korean War. Often talk about a limited war with China will allow us to act in a non-strategic key points put excessive resources that Red China is not seeking domination nations of the world. nike air max excellerate cheap frankly, Joint Chiefs of Staff believes that this strategy (refer to MacArthur recommended to enter China operations) will allow us in the wrong place, wrong time, with the wrong enemy to fight a wrong war. “This is the famous speech – “caught up in a wrong place at the wrong time and the wrong enemy’s war” real
source.U.S. politicians do not regret it launched the Korean War, but does not intend to go to war in the Chinese mainland. The reason is “Red China is not that countries seeking to rule the world.” And who is that countries seeking to rule the world “ Obviously, the red Soviet Union.Although as a Soviet first strongman, Stalin war is not weakness, and confidently predicted: “World War III, it will only lead to the collapse of the world capitalist system.” But not out of the Korean War Soviet war performance, indicating that he does not really want war with the United States wantonly.After Stalin’s death, the first successor Malenkov on the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the first time to use the word “detente”. Obviously, it is rational knowledge derived from large-scale war devastating.The large-scale war to go along with
the opponent. Founding 200 years, the United States only three countries as a rival, they are Germany, Japan, the Soviet Union, because these three countries, aimed at world domination. United States only two countries with which the large-scale war, but war is not to provoke the United States took the lead.As for the other countries at odds with the United States, has never been regarded by the United States as a real opponent, so as not to arouse the United States launched a large-scale war. The Korean War, even fighting with the Chinese Volunteers
also know that U.S. President Harry Truman, who are opponents contend with the United States, so the real opponent locked in the Korean War for the Soviet Union, not China. The reasons for his almost exactly the same with Bradley. Since the Soviet Union did not open war, then the so-called “war” then no possibility of occurrence of loss of real opponent.North Korea from the United States and Miles, does not threaten the security of the United S nike air max tailwind saletates, the United S