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Harriet had been conscious of a difference in his behaviour ever since those two decisive dances. –Emma knew that he had, on that occasion, found her much superior to his expectation. From that evening, or at least from the time of Miss Woodhouse’s encouraging her to think of him, Harriet had begun to be sensible of his talking to her much more than he had been used to do, and of his having indeed quite a different manner towards her; a manner of kindness and sweetness!–Latterly she had been more and more aware of it. When they had been all walking together, he had so often come and walked by her, and talked so very delightfully!–He seemed to want to be acquainted with her.
she could coach outlet online not presume to indulge them. Harriet Smith might think herself not unworthy of being peculiarly, exclusively, passionately loved by Mr. Knightley. _She_ could not. She could not flatter herself with any idea of blindness in his attachment to _her_. She had received a very recent proof of its impartiality. — How shocked had he been by her behaviour to Miss Bates! How directly, how strongly had he expressed himself to her on the subject!–Not too strongly for the offence–but far, far too strongly to louis vuitton outlet issue from any feeling softer than upright justice and clear-sighted goodwill. — She had no hope, nothing to deserve the name of hope, that he could have that sort of affection for herself which was now in question; but there was a hope (at times a slight one, at times much stronger, ) that Harriet might have deceived herself, and be overrating his regard for _her_.
There was nothing in all this either to astonish or interest, and it caught Emma’s attention only as it united with the subject which already engaged her mind. The contrast between Mrs. Churchill’s importance in the world, and Jane Fairfax’s, struck her; one was every thing, the other nothing–and she sat musing on the difference of woman’s destiny, and quite unconscious on what her eyes were fixed, till roused by Miss Bates’s saying,”Aye, I see what you are thinking of, the pianoforte. What is to become of that?–Very true. Poor dear Jane was talking of it just now. — `You must go, ‘ said she. `You and I www.coachoutlety2013.com must part. You will have no business here. –Let it stay, however, ‘ said she; `give it houseroom till Colonel Campbell comes back. I shall talk about it to him; he will settle for me; he will help me out of all my difficulties. ‘– And to this day, I do believe, she knows not whether it was his present or his daughter’s. “
When one is in great pain, you know one cannot feel any blessing quite as it may deserve. She is as low as possible. To look at her, nobody would think how delighted and happy she is to have secured such a situation. You will excuse her not coming to you–she is not able–she is gone into her own room– I want her to coach factory outlet lie down upon the bed. `My dear, ‘ said I, `I shall say you are laid down upon the bed:’ but, however, she is not; she is walking about the room. But, now that she has written her letters, she says she shall soon be well. She will be extremely sorry to miss seeing you, Miss Woodhouse, but your kindness will excuse her. You were kept waiting at the door–I was quite ashamed– but somehow there was a little bustle–for it so happened that we had not heard the knock, and till you were on the stairs, we did not know any body was coming. `It is only Mrs. Cole, ‘ said I, `depend upon it. Nobody else would come so early. ‘ `Well, ‘ said she, Louis Vuitton Outlet|Louis Vuitton,Cheap Louis Vuitton Sale `it must be borne some time or other, and it may as well be now. ‘
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